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The future is self-employed, so Let’s Start Something

Written by: Mettle editorial
2 min read

We’ve launched our new brand campaign to inspire anyone out there dreaming of working for themselves.

Let's start something - LandingPage

‘Business as usual’ is a thing of the past – and good riddance to ‘same old, same old’. Across the country, people are re-evaluating all aspects of their daily lives, and the way we work is no exception.

In the last decade, there has been a dramatic shift towards self-employment in the UK. Over five million people are already working for themselves – and over 20 million Brits have said that they would love to start their own business one day.

From decorators and dog walkers to plumbers and pilates instructors, more and more people are moving away from full-time employment and forging their own path.

So, we wanted to create an energetic campaign that shows the determination and drive of the people who are part of this movement – and to inspire and encourage everyone to join.

Our campaign ad opens on a clock smashing at 9:00am – we’re breaking the mould of the 9 to 5, the ‘usual’ way.

9 to 5 isn't for everyone

Our army of self-starters come charging in, roaring forwards to start their own thing with expressions of passion, resilience and contagious self-belief. We wanted this to feel big and bold in cinematic slo-mo, crisp black and white and an uplifting call to arms in our voice over.

It was so important to us that our self-starters are the kinds of real people who are working for themselves. They’re not polished, perfect and self-satisfied – they’re the authentic, diverse, hardworking, sometimes a bit chaotic, collective of people out there with a common belief: that the best way to earn a living is to do what you want, how you want. To own your own time, and pursue your passion.

Pursue your passion

That’s why we are really happy that two of our customers feature too. Lucy started her sustainable homeware business, Goods of May, whilst on furlough in 2020. She started selling a few bits on Instagram to friends and family and is now stocked in stores nationwide with a look to keep growing her side hustle.

We also have our accountant-turned-street food chef Leon, who runs his own small business, Leon’s Kitchen, and who was one of Mettle’s first-ever customers. During the first lockdown, he couldn’t serve people at markets and events anymore so instead adapted his business, and joined up with his niece, to create a COVID-safe outdoor dining experience. 

Self-starters such as Lucy and Leon are proving that historic barriers to running a business such as having a bricks and mortar venue or not having the money to develop a website are no longer standing in the way. 

So whether you fancy the freedom of freelancing, you want to unleash your creativity alongside your day job, or you’ve got the mettle to take the leap and turn your passion into an opportunity – now’s the time.

Be your own boss. Do what you want, how you want. Because big or small, the future belongs to people who start things. 

Anyone and everyone can be part of the charge. So let’s do this. Let’s Start Something!

Mettle is a free mobile business account for sole traders and limited companies with up to two owners (only one can access the account)

  • 5 mill self-employed from Office of National Statistics, April 2020
  • 20.4m from the latest YouGov panel (07/03/2021) which reflect the most up to date audience self classifications

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At Mettle, our aim is to give everyone the financial confidence to work for themselves, and that’s no different with our content. We want to give small business owners, freelancers and sole traders the tips, tricks and industry updates they need to run their businesses. 

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