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Q&A with Jaclyn, Psst Marketing

Written by: Mettle editorial
5 min read

Jaclyn created Psst Marketing to turn her years of experience into a brand new marketing agency that will give her freedom to work on her own terms.

Psst Marketing

Tell us about your business and how it came about…

I was previously working for a marketing agency where I had the option to do a management buyout at the beginning of the year. But that didn’t work out and I just decided I should get on with it and set up an agency myself. Psst Marketing is just that! It’s very fresh and exciting and terrifying all at the same time. Especially now that I'm wearing all the hats. But, I’m in a very fortunate position that I’m now financially able to take the risk of having no income for three months. It took a long time to get to that point.

What inspired you to do this? Was it a long term goal?

I always told myself that I’d never be self employed. My dad did it when I was younger and it meant he wasn’t around much because he was so busy. But I’m always so committed to what I’m working on that I am just as busy. So I realised if I was going to put in this much effort, I’d rather work for myself than someone else.

Have you found anything challenging so far?

As I’m just getting started, I’m in the position right now where I’ve got hundreds of things to do but I’m not yet making any money. That’s why the fee-free element of Mettle appealed to me. I’ve used internet banking since the dawn of its inception so having all this data at my fingertips is great! All of the integrations Mettle offer, like FreeAgent, made signing up a no-brainer.

How have you found using Mettle so far?

I like that it’s as simple as my personal banking which makes it so easy to understand because it mimics it. It’s intuitive to me. It’s easy to set up, I can transfer money in and out instantly, and I understand it all. I’m sure as my business grows I’ll be taking advantage of more features.

What do you love most about running your own business?

It’s the freedom. For example, I just took my dog for a walk and that’s bought me an extra hour later on to finish some work. Before, that would have been a really stressful situation and I wouldn’t have felt like I could work around my life.

Reconnecting with my local community has also really stood out to me. In my previous corporate roles I was nationally focussed, but now I’m getting clients that are small, local businesses, and I can see myself making a real impact. And because we’re all in the same boat, being small businesses, Mettle has appealed to all of us! We’re all in it together.

Has the cost of living crisis affected things at all?

I’m definitely more anxious about having money behind me than I was before. I’ve been more conscious of pricing and making sure I can make money while the businesses I work with can afford my services. I hope being open with these conversations will help both me and my clients.

What lies ahead for your business?

I live in a small town that’s reliant on the tourism industry, and there aren’t many opportunities for the type of work I do. So I’d love to be able to develop the business to a point where other people in the local area can work for this company. So the next generation have more options and opportunities where they grow up.

You can find out more about Psst Marketing at 

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At Mettle, our aim is to give everyone the financial confidence to work for themselves, and that’s no different with our content. We want to give small business owners, freelancers and sole traders the tips, tricks and industry updates they need to run their businesses. 

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