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Smarter invoicing with Mettle

Written by: Mettle editorial
3 min read

And why it’s going to change the way you get paid.

Mettle invoicing hero image

You asked, we listened. You can now send, edit and reconcile invoices on the go. 

We believe getting paid quickly should be easy – but traditional invoicing and keeping track of payments can be tedious and time-consuming. 

When getting started, we spoke to a number of businesses from different sectors – all of whom rely on invoicing to get paid. Their problems were similar – tools weren’t quite right, they struggled to keep on top of what’s been sent and what still needs to be invoiced, and above all, maintaining complex spreadsheets to keep on top of all the clutter. 

So our challenge was to build a comprehensive invoicing and reconciliation tool that would allow customers to intuitively create and manage invoices on the go while managing the entire payment cycle – from creating the initial draft to reconciling the incoming payment. 

We knew that by building the right tool we’d be able to significantly reduce the stress involved with getting paid, so businesses could spend more time growing their business and less time on their books.

At first our invoicing tool was quite basic. It allowed customers to create invoices on the go, but was limited in scope. Our approach was to make sure that we evolved together. So we learnt from them and got a better understanding of what they wanted and what they didn’t so that we could build something useful without it being bloated with irrelevant functionality. 

A fundamental aspect of this journey was getting it to a point where we could not only recognise where the payment was coming from, but how we could reconcile it so our customers wouldn’t have to. This way, we’d help them reduce the time it takes for them to do their books.

We have worked over the past few months evolving and enhancing our tool, and with your help, we believe we have something quite useful for you. 

Here’s how it works…

With Mettle invoicing, the app is always with you so you can create and send invoices from anywhere using your smartphone. Plus, you're able to make edits, preview and save drafts – all on the go.

Creating a new invoice

Paid invoice screen

Once you get paid, our clever auto-matching process matches incoming payments to outstanding invoices. 

And our algorithm will also make suggestions when there are multiple payments on a single invoice as well as help you handle partial and over payments.

We’ll even assign them to one of our predefined categories so that your books are kept up to date.

There’s more…

On top of the features you already know and love, we've made invoicing customisable. So you now have the ability to add multiple VAT rates and make VAT inclusive in the price – which we calculate for you.

You can also change the issue date and add notes for clients which add personal touch to everything you send.

  • Add your company logo for professional looking invoices

  • Set your invoice number so that you can keep track of what’s been sent

  • Amend dates up to a year in the past or in the future

  • Set multiple VAT rates and select whether it’s inclusive in the price

  • Create bespoke notes for clients


In the case of late payments, we’ll remind you of overdue invoices so that you can chase if necessary, helping you stay on top of what’s owed.

Invoice alerts

Let us know how you’re getting on with invoicing at Mettle, whether there is anything you particularly like or something you still think is missing, we’d love to hear your feedback. 

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At Mettle, our aim is to give everyone the financial confidence to work for themselves, and that’s no different with our content. We want to give small business owners, freelancers and sole traders the tips, tricks and industry updates they need to run their businesses. 

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