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Get your accounting done on the go with Mettle and FreeAgent

Written by: Vicki Bracey, Senior Product Manager, Mettle
2 min read

We know the admin involved in preparing your accounts isn’t easy, that’s why we’ve taken our accounting connection a step further so that you’ll have more time to focus on the day-to-day running of your business. 

Get Free Agent for free with Mettle

Mettle will now automatically sync your bookkeeping data in real time, so both accounts will be up to date. This means you’ll only have to categorise transactions and add receipts in one place. 

We’ll also keep your categories in sync so if you get help from an accountant or prefer to explain your transactions in FreeAgent, your Mettle app will always show the latest category you’ve selected for your transaction. 

How FreeAgent sync works 

  • When you make or receive a payment, tap either the notification or the transaction on your Money feed

  • Pick a category and snap a picture of your receipt (we provide the same transaction explanations as FreeAgent) 

  • When we send the transaction to FreeAgent we’ll also explain it and add the receipt as an attachment 

Older transactions

  • For transactions sent to FreeAgent before 1 June nothing will change unless you make a change to them in FreeAgent. You’ll need to head to FreeAgent to update your category if you haven’t explained it yet. 

Top tip: Categorise your transaction and snap a receipt while you’re at the till and it will be ready and waiting for you in FreeAgent, saving you the challenge of finding your receipt later.  

VAT registered businesses

When a transaction dated after 1 June 2021 is explained in the Mettle app and then updated in FreeAgent, the auto VAT rate for the selected category in FreeAgent will be applied to the transaction. 

You can check the auto VAT rate for each category in FreeAgent by selecting ‘Settings’ from the drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner of FreeAgent and then choosing ‘Accounting Categories’.

It’s important that you check the VAT rates applied to any transactions explained in your Mettle account to ensure you’re reporting the correct amount of VAT before filing a VAT return with HMRC.

How to get FreeAgent for free with Mettle

These time-saving features are available as part of our FreeAgent for free offer. 

With this subscription, you’ll save more than £150 a year – based on FreeAgent’s lowest tariff. 

It’s easy to sign up for FreeAgent or connect your existing FreeAgent account through the Mettle app. 

To get FreeAgent for free, all you have to do is make at least one transaction a month from your Mettle account. If you fail to do this, you’ll be subject to FreeAgent fees.

Vicki Bracey
Senior Product ManagerMettle
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Vicki is a Senior Product Manager at Mettle. She is a Chartered Accountant with over ten years of experience in banking across a broad range of roles in Finance and Strategy.

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